How to get a Paleo-Approved Beach Body

The weather is heating up and summer is right around the corner. With that in mind, you may be wondering what you can do to get beach body ready, and the team at Caveman is here with a short guide to get you up to speed on what it takes to rock those board shorts and bathing suits. Let’s go!

Tip 1: Exercise!

While this may be obvious to some, it’s important to remember that any sort of beach body is usually built not just through proper diet, but regimented exercise. This is because when we think of a “beach body,” we think of a well rounded body with developed “vanity muscles,” such as those found in the back, chest, arms, and legs. While a good diet focused on reducing that pesky fat can help tremendously in making these body parts stand out more, it will be much easier to make those muscles shine if they’re toned and strong from exercise. Activities like weightlifting, rowing, swimming, and even hill-sprints can help with that. But the most effective exercise for helping you build that swimsuit body is the one you like the most - after all, doing the activities and exercises you enjoy is always going to yield the best result. So get active, and have fun doing it - and then watch yourself transform!

Tip 2: Cut the carbs

A race car fueled up with regular gas isn’t going to get first place; likewise, a bad diet won’t get you where you want to be, even if you train as hard as possible. So with that in mind, cleaning up your diet will be essential in getting your body ready for swimsuit season. Here at Caveman, we highly recommend following the Paleo diet when it comes to losing extra fat; that’s because the Paleo diet is focused on keeping carbs relatively low while keeping whole, unprocessed food intake high, which will help fuel your activities and keep your waistline trim. That being said, we know dieting can be hard, so don’t take it too seriously - after all, the harder you are on yourself to be strict, the less you’ll enjoy it, so make sure you find a good balance for yourself. What’s more, everything we offer here at Caveman Foods is Paleo-friendly - so if you want to splurge a little bit with our products, you can have a treat without the cheat!

Tip 3: Sleep

While not as obvious, getting sleep is absolutely crucial - not just for building a beach body, but for your overall health as well. In fact, sleep will play a crucial role not just in whether you lose weight or not, but in what kind of weight you lose. According to a peer-reviewed medical journal, a sleep study conducted among dieters found that those who got a full night’s sleep had weight loss that primarily involved fat, while those who did not had a nearly 55% reduction in fat loss overall and ended losing a significant amount of muscle as well. Plus, a lack of sleep can trigger higher cortisol levels in your body - which can lead to heightened stress, irregular appetite, and inhibited weight loss. So make sure you get your eight hours every single night!

Tip 4: Be Well

As with all things, make sure you’re doing what you enjoy. At Caveman, we believe in getting back to better - not just with the things we eat, but in how we go about our lives. With that we believe in working hard, treating yourself, and maintaining your mental and physical health so that you can enjoy all of your days. We know that the world is a chaotic place full of uncertainty right now, which is why now is such a crucial time to be well-equipped when it comes to self care. So, from all of us at Caveman Foods, we hope that you are able to eat well, treat yourself every now and then, spend time with your loved ones, and above all, ensure that you take care of and love yourself no matter what.

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