What Type of Protein is Right For You?

Howdy Cave-fans, and happy hump day!

Whether it’s to curb snack cravings, help you lose weight, or to fuel your body after a workout, getting the right amount of protein in your diet is essential. But maybe you don’t know what kind of protein you need, or what type of product works best for you. After all, there’s a lot of different mediums for protein available on the market - choosing the best one can seem like a daunting task. Luckily, we’ve got a handy guide for you here to help you figure out which protein snack is most ideal for your lifestyle.

For the sake of this article, let’s say there’s three different people looking for a protein product to supplement their lifestyle - and let’s call them Person A, B, and C, respectively. Person A has a pretty busy schedule and doesn’t always have time to work out; and when they do they often don’t have the time to make a proper post-workout meal. What’s more, A has a need for high-quality protein to ensure that they can recover properly from exercise. To that end, someone like A would probably benefit from using a protein bar to aid their diet. While bars aren’t good as a crutch, they can make an excellent supplement to a balanced diet and fitness routine. What’s more is that while most bars are filled with artificial sweeteners, fillers, and other junk, Caveman’s Protein Bar is made with super-clean egg-white protein to refuel your body and keep you in shape.

Let’s look at Person B now. B is reasonably active but they’ve got a bit more time in the day for exercise and meal prep, so they haven’t got a necessity for supplements as much as Person A. However, Person B loves spending their weekends hiking and camping in the woods, and as such has a need for hearty, nutritious snacks that aren’t too heavy but still taste yummy. The best fit for Person B would probably be a meat or jerky snack - much like our very own Meat Bites! Made with uncured bacon or tender, juicy chicken, our meat bites provide a wonderful alternative to the other guys’ jerky. You won’t find any soy, nitrates, gluten or MSG in our meat bites - just delicious, high quality jerky made for an active lifestyle and packed with animal protein.

Finally, let’s take a peek at Person C. Person C lives an active lifestyle, but as they get older, they’ve found a need for their food to really fuel their activity as well as protect their body as they age. As such, Person C needs a protein supplement that feeds their muscles as well as the rest of their body. For someone who needs more dense nutrition out of their food like C, a great choice is our very own Collagen Protein bar. Refined from a grass-fed source, our collagen bars are made up of a blend of collagen protein and egg white protein with nuts and seeds added in to create a medley of a delicious, nutritious treat you can feel good about splurging with. Plus, collagen is great for your body: it makes up a large portion of your skin and connective tissue and adding it to your diet can aid your overall skin and joint health since your body makes less of it as you get older.  

In conclusion, there’s plenty of protein options out there, no matter what your lifestyle may be. But just know that whatever life has in store for you, we’ve got the fuel that’ll keep you healthy, and keep you going with a smile on your face!

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