Paleo Made Easy: Better Eating, Healthy Living
Paleo combines better eating with healthy living – that’s something we all want.
One of the great qualities of eating Paleo is that you can tailor it to your individual nutrition and health goals. You don't have to be "strict Paleo" in order to get all the health benefits. Gradual lifestyle changes are more realistic, manageable, and successful for people seeking to improve their overall health and wellness.
What is the difference between Paleo and Paleo-Friendly?
The primary food components are the same - lean protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. Both Paleo and Paleo-friendly eating avoids dairy, soy, legumes, grains, highly processed foods and artificial ingredients. Eliminating foods that reduce inflammation and improve allergy symptoms lead to feeling healthier and more energetic.
If your personal food philosophy is Paleo-Friendly, you can include 21st century processing methods and ingredients in your recipes, and ingredients like sugar and chocolate. At Caveman we want to bring happy back to healthier eating – so bring on the chocolate! Choose the approach that is best for you and use these tips to help you on your path to healthier.
- Balance is the Key to Success
Truth: life happens. You don’t have to turn down a slice of your own birthday cake because it isn’t “Paleo.” That’s the difference between a "diet" and a "lifestyle". You can make Paleo your long-term eating approach and still enjoy your favorite treats occasionally. Listen to your body, notice how it responds to different foods, and tailor what you eat most of the time to foods that help you feel your best. And most importantly, don’t stress. Enjoy the journey to healthier!
- Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
When eating out, skip the worry about whether there will be anything on the menu you can eat. Eyeing that steak and mashed potatoes? Simply ask to substitute a side of salad or broccoli for the potatoes. These days restaurants are used to providing substitutions and are happy to do so.
- Be Prepared
Whether traveling or just living a busy, on-the-go life, it helps to grab a pre-made meal or snack, but Paleo options are sometimes limited. Equip yourself with healthy snacks like nuts, seeds and fruit to avoid that stop at the drive thru or vending machine.
- Keep it Simple
You don’t have to hunt down grass-fed bison to reap the benefits of the Paleo lifestyle. Chicken, pork, and fish are very accessible lean protein sources packed with nutritional benefits. Lean protein sources are a cornerstone to eating Paleo and that includes fresh produce, seeds, and eggs. Finding paleo-friendly snacks and protein-rich foods doesn’t have to be complicated. Use a Paleo-friendly meal subscription service or get ready made snacks to make it delicious eating simpler.
- Enjoy Variety
The Paleo lifestyle isn’t so much about what you can’t eat; it’s about what you CAN eat. There’s no need to bore yourself with the same meals every day. Even though eliminating grains, dairy and legumes may seem challenging, there’s an abundance of delicious, healthy foods that will not only delight your taste buds, but also fuel your body with the nutrition it needs.
You may even discover foods that you never would have tried before!
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