How to Enjoy a Healthy Halloween

The sun's last rays tease the streetlights. Pumpkins line the houses on the block, each one bearing a grotesque face lit up by fire. Up and down the pavement weave lines of monsters, heroes, princesses, robots, and more streaming from door to door, their persons weighed down by their haul of treats. Little do they know, the bags full of candy they carry are the scariest thing they’ll encounter this evening.

The Problem With Halloween Candy

In a study of total sugar intake, it was reported that In the US, “added sugars account for up to 17% of the total calorie intake of adults and up to 14% for children”. Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions. No one wants to be the neighbor giving out apples or toothbrushes on Halloween but there has to be a balance between being the scrooge on the block and giving in to the harmful impact that candy has on children, right?

Even if consuming small amounts of sugar now and again is healthy, it is important to work on cutting back whenever possible. Fortunately, by even just focusing on eating whole, unprocessed foods (*Ahem* CAVEMAN FOODS), it becomes possible to automatically reduce sugar amounts in your diet. So why couldn’t this be applied to traditional treat-giving on Halloween?

Naturally Tasty Treat Options

Our Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut Nutrition Bar Minis or Dark Chocolate Caramel Cashew Minis not only have the tantalizing flavors to keep the Halloween spirits up but are also packed with just the right balance of healthy fats, carbs, and protein, and a sweet and salty flavor that satisfies the ghastliest of ghouls. Take a look at the chart below where we can see how our Dark Chocolate Caramel Cashew Minis stack up to one of the more popular candy brands:


Preparing for Halloween

It can be all too easy to put off stocking up for Halloween until the last minute which is why we think now is a great opportunity to be thinking about your treat-supply ahead of time! To help facilitate the gifting of healthy snacks this Halloween, we’re providing a “Buy One Get One Free” discount on all of our Caveman Mini Bars! Use code BOOGO2021

By making the decision to go this route, not only will you be choosing to be health conscious this holiday, but you’ll also be able to avoid the stress of picking up enough snacks for the block at the last minute all while having the most delicious treats on the street!

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